The Knowledge of the Holy
This book is like an oasis in the middle of our busy lives. Here we get closer to God because we learn to know Him and thus, to love Him.
This book reminds us that we are not to mistake God for a nice fellow whose job is to help us out. No, this one is an earth-shaking book. It inspires awe in the hearts of the fainted, it awakes you from your self-deluding day-dreams. By describing His attributes (holiness, immutability, divine omniscience, wisdom, omnipotence, transcendence, omnipresence, faithfulness, goodness, justice, mercy, grace, love, sovereignty...) is describes Him, and it produces a humbling experience in us so great that we feel embarrassed to spend so much time thinking of ourselves and so little of Him.
It is a shame that we only remember Him to ask favors or to thank Him mechanically for blessings; if we only took some time to really focus on Him, to contemplate all His attributes, what He is and does in the world and in our lives. If we could only appreciate Him more completely, and not so narrowly... it would be humbling and awe-inspiring.
This book really helps those who have a mechanical faith: a faith that has stopped growing because the focus has narrowed into attitudes like: "business as usual", or "it's all about me", or "what should I do". And we don't think about Him (the Trinity) actually; we think about things, whether spiritual or worldy, but things anyhow. Well, stop or you'll extenuate yourself. Focus of Him: Father, Son & Holy Spirit. How? Here are His attributes explained. It gives a completely new meaning to the words 'praise and worship' because, when you finish the book, you'll really know Who you are praising and worshipping. It won't be mechanical any longer. Then we can truly say that knowing Him is loving Him.