David Baron

Israel in the Plan of God


Between the 2 great wars of the 20th century David Baron, an English Jew converted to Christ, wrote this study of the role that Israel plays in Bible prophecy. The book is scholarly written. It selects texts from Deuteronomy, Isaiah (mainly) to focus on the fulfilled, and yet to come, history of God's nation.

The book has the obvious advantage to the modern reader of seeing for himself how accurate his evaluation and commentary of the late historical events of Israel have been. The Holocaust hadn't happened yet, though thousands of Jews were being expelled and murdered in Russia at the time. Accuarate is the best word that defines Mr. Baron's analysis.

The impression of reading this book today, after all that we know that Israel has gone through (and is still going through) is just mind-blowing (for lack of a better word in my poor English vocabulary). If you dare to look to the future, to what is yet to pass according to unfulfilled biblical prophecy, you may want to get psychologically prepared in advance.

It is not specifically a book about schatology (end-of-times), because its scope is wider, but it is a most relevant book for Christians and Jews of today, and I ask everyone to check for himself the validity of Mr. Baron's impressions.

Read Isaiah 51:6; 42:4. And Jeremiah 30:7. And Psalm 83:4

I came upon this great author after reading Arthur Katz's autobiographical book "Ben Israel", which I heartily recommend.

May God bless all those who bless Israel; for He sure will spare none of those who hate them.




On Cuba's Revolution:

"The revolution was a cover for committing atrocities without the slightest vestige of guilt ... we were young and irresponsible. We were pirates. We formed our own caste ... we belonged to and believed in nothing -no religion, no flag, no morality or principle. It's fortunate we didn't win, because if we had, we would have drowned the continent in barbarism."

Jorge Masetti, In the Pirate's Den

España [por el contrario de Estados Unidos] se ha ido configurando, siglo a siglo, como una sociedad herida por la envidia, en la que todavía hacer demagogia con la pobreza rinde réditos electorales y donde los que han tenido o tienen grandes riquezas -tanto los progres como la iglesia católica– no pocas veces predican la solidaridad con el prójimo a la vez que protegen sus patrimonios nada desdeñables en SICAVs, algo, dicho sea de paso, bastante lógico tal y como está el panorama fiscal.”

César Vidal en su artículo Las razones de una diferencia en Libertaddigital.com

2. La Constitución se fundamenta en la indisoluble unidad de la Nación española, patria común e indivisible de todos los españoles.

3.1. El castellano es la lengua española oficial del Estado. Todos los españoles tienen el deber de conocerla y el derecho a usarla.

'The Pale Maiden'
"Thus heaven I've forfeited,
I know it full well
My soul, once true to God
Is chosen for hell."

by Karl Marx

from Richard Wurmbrand´s book on Marx

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