Richard Wurmbrand

The Overcomers


One of the things that amazes me most about Richard Wurmbrand is how learned he is in spite of the years he suffered persecution, imprisonment and torture. The book is made up of 2 or 3 page stories of people who have suffered/been tortured for their faith in Christ the Lord, but every here and there are references to important personages of history, i.e. how Lenin and Freud became atheists, or how even Lenin might have accepted Christ in his deathbed; explanatory notes on subjects as varied as Science and Linguistics, i.e. the idea that Mark, the Evangelist, might be the rich man whom Jesus told to give everything to the poor and follow him, based on the word "eutheos", immediately (p.201).

The story about the Christian man was a mole in the Soviet secret police, Nikolai Khokhlov, who even wrote a book that now is out of print, is completely intriguing. Pity he didn't dwell more on some of these issues. Another little chapter that I will always treasure was the Parable of the Three Trees. A wonderful little story to tell to children (p.101).

The mention of the fact that in Aramaic there is no word to say "to have" (so jesus never pronounced this word) is quite intriguing too. (p.100); or that there are 40 ways to say No in Japanese.

But definitely, the lesson to learn from this one is that though not everybody is made of the stuff to withstand torture or be a hero of the faith, every one has a part to play, even though not in a very orthodox way: like the Christian preacher who praised -as he was told to do- the Rumanian dictator Ceausescu with his speech, while gesturing the opposite with his body language. Was his real meaning understood? Yes. Then he was not failing God. He was serving, astutely, Him, his own way (p.93). The author was imprisoned in Romania many years under the Soviet regime for his faith.




On Cuba's Revolution:

"The revolution was a cover for committing atrocities without the slightest vestige of guilt ... we were young and irresponsible. We were pirates. We formed our own caste ... we belonged to and believed in nothing -no religion, no flag, no morality or principle. It's fortunate we didn't win, because if we had, we would have drowned the continent in barbarism."

Jorge Masetti, In the Pirate's Den

España [por el contrario de Estados Unidos] se ha ido configurando, siglo a siglo, como una sociedad herida por la envidia, en la que todavía hacer demagogia con la pobreza rinde réditos electorales y donde los que han tenido o tienen grandes riquezas -tanto los progres como la iglesia católica– no pocas veces predican la solidaridad con el prójimo a la vez que protegen sus patrimonios nada desdeñables en SICAVs, algo, dicho sea de paso, bastante lógico tal y como está el panorama fiscal.”

César Vidal en su artículo Las razones de una diferencia en

2. La Constitución se fundamenta en la indisoluble unidad de la Nación española, patria común e indivisible de todos los españoles.

3.1. El castellano es la lengua española oficial del Estado. Todos los españoles tienen el deber de conocerla y el derecho a usarla.

'The Pale Maiden'
"Thus heaven I've forfeited,
I know it full well
My soul, once true to God
Is chosen for hell."

by Karl Marx

from Richard Wurmbrand´s book on Marx

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